Miscellany Monday

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Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

{ONE}  Good Morning  everyone!  I'm not doing well this morning, at all, so I'm going to tag team with my hubbie and he is going to write my Miscellany Monday from his perspective.  Show him love and comment on what he writes.  I am off to have my tea and lay down.  Have a wonderful Monday and a warm welcome to my new readers.  I'm so happy to see you here and will visit you all as soon as I start feeling better. Me!
Now here's Mikey my love & best friend.

  {TWO}  Umm...good morning everyone.  While my beautiful wife takes time to rest and hopefully get back on her feet, I've decided to take a day off from work to help with our 4 year old "tornado" and whatever she needs me to do.  Our little one did not go to school today either due to his asthma/cold  which has been an issue this past weekend.

  {THREE}  If you haven't been told, my wife and I have known each other since the 1st grade.  We were both raised in Brooklyn, NY but took different paths in life in our teenage years until we were, by design from the Lord above, to meet up again in our early 20's to remain together forever...together 14 years now, married 11.  I AM VERY FORTUNATE to have her as my partner in life and VERY HAPPY!

  {FOUR}  I am a helicopter instructor pilot for the army working in Alabama, which makes this very tough because we live in Florida.  I commute 280 miles one-way every weekend to see my lovely family and we are praying that something falls into place whereby we will stop this "being apart thing".  It has to deal with the housing market which, unless you have been secluded in a cave somewhere, understand that I don't have to go into detail.  :)

  {FIVE}  These are trials that has been set forth for a reason but has made us a stronger unit throughout.  I pray that either I can find something here in Jacksonville so we won't have to move or someone buys this home so we can be together in Alabama.  Either way, it doesn't matter to me as long as we are together right?

  {SIX}  I would like to say thank you to all for making this what I would call "a place of serenity and support" for my wife.  She is constantly saying how wonderful the people who comment and support her are. That makes me happy to know that.  That she is not alone in times where we sometimes feel we are, although we know that we are not because of our Father above. 

{SEVEN}At any rate, I hope I didn't bore you too much.  First time doing this and just wanted to help.  Thank you all again.    Have a great week.

Mr. M