Random Musings

A collection of random musings to help make interesting the mundane.
Here's my random mini posts for the day.

1. Giveaway Reminder!
There is a Day Spring GIVEAWAY going on right now, if you scroll down this post you'll see it.  I'm giving away a set of Mugs from the online Day Spring  store from the Mr. and Mrs. collection.  For more information click here or scroll down, it ends on Wednesday February 9, 2011 so hurry up and enter!

2. Going Vintage
This weekend I ran out of coffee filters and I had to pull out the old coffee maker that I received as a gift a few years ago.  These are considered vintage, but they are still available in stores.  It does not make 4 cups of coffee, this particular one makes two cups, but it did the job.

3. Wall of Books
I saw this picture on the Internet and loved it.  Now I want to set up a wall like this one in my son's play room.  Can't wait to get started.

4. Shop Opening This Week
I have been working on some new items for my Etsy shop and I am almost done. It took longer than planned only because my supplies had been mailed to another state, whoops!  It took a month to receive them, it usually takes a week.

Thank you for stopping by and Happy Monday!

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