I'm Different, I'm Thankful, I'm Happy, I'm Loving...

Inspired from Little Miss Momma, but this is my own version.

I'm different because...
I never ask for help even when I need it.
I can't sleep with my hair down.
I can eat tortillas smothered in melted cheese and salsa as a meal.
I don't like warm pillows, so I turn my pillow over several times during the night.
I carry a small air freshener in my purse.
I want to learn how to make latte art.
I have never left my son with a teenage babysitter.
I do a happy dance when I get a package in the mail.
I have a home decor addiction.
I rather do the dishes than clean the bathroom.
I rather do the laundry than iron clothes.
I'm obsessed with organization.
I don't like gossip.
I don't watch TV.
I don't like bugs, but I tolerate them for the sake of my son.
I get excited about comments.
I know how to make homemade butter from fresh cow milk, 
too bad that I don't have a cow.

I'm Thankful...
That I'm with my little family.
That I have my parents and siblings.
For our health, even though I and my son have asthma.
For our home.
Our vehicle, to get us where we need to go.
For everyday necessities water, air, food.
For work.
For my senses.
God's Mercy.
God's Love.

I'm happy because...
We're alive!
I'm with my husband and son!
I'm going to see mom, dad and my siblings for Christmas.
Mr. M loves me.

I'm loving...
Jesus of course.
My precious dog.
The support I'm getting from Mr. M to blog:-)
The hugs and "I love you" from my son everyday.
The ideas coming to mind for crafts.
Warm and cozy with hubbie.
Warm drinks during this time of year.
Christmas decoration.

I would love to have you join me for your own version of this post. Fill in the prompts as they fit you.
Then leave a comment with them or on your own blog and then link your post in the comment section of this post so others can visit.