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Many bloggers out there have worked hard on their blogs and even use the means to promote
a business or their personal stories. Today I want to help you take a step further and show you
a way to create your own book and sell it to your readers.
If you have an idea for a book, but don't know how to get it published you are in the right place.
Self-publishing tools like Blurb BookWright are helping independent publishers just like you
become successful authors. If you’ve been working on a novel, cookbook, craft book,
or your blog, now’s the time to finally publish it!
Publishing couldn’t be easier with Blurb BookWright. Not only can you easily publish your
book, you can sell in the Blurb Bookstore with the help of Blurb Direct Sell. Through it,
your book will get its own page in the Blurb Bookstore and you can use the Personal
Storefront widget to promote your book to your readers. You can even sell your book on
Amazon when publishing with BookWright. Self-publishing a book has never been easier!
If you're ready to try it and sell your book, download BookWright.
I hope that this helps you get started!