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How to Clean Heavy Gunk Off Your Iron

clean iron
You have probably read tons of advice on 
how to clean your iron, just as I have.  I tried them ALL, but
for some particular reason, none of them worked on my iron.  
My iron does not have the shiny surface that many others have.

I gathered all of these attempts from Pinterest:

I tried the vinegar & baking soda approach, and nothing.
I tried the toothpaste approach, nothing.
I tried the magic eraser, nothing.
I tried the salt approach, nothing.
I tried too many to mention.
Everything failed!
I got so desperate, I almost ruined my iron by trying other crazy ideas
which did not work; ex: SOS pad, yes I got really desperate folks.
Friends, I had lost hope until I tried this!

Yes it is, a Tylenol.  Who on earth would have thought?  There is NO COATING on this tablet!
If you try this at home, make sure to use pliers or metal tweezers to avoid getting
your fingers burned.  I rubbed carefully & used a small towel.
I was pretty skeptical, I honestly did not think a little pill would do the trick...
...but it was truly magic!
Good heavens, makes me wonder what's in that pill?
This gunk was thick and not budging.  I thought that I was going to have 
to live with gunk on my iron.  People, I think I heard a choir of angels 
singing when the gunk was gone.
 Sorry that the clip is sideways.
Now to clean the rest of the stain.

What I did:
1. Set the iron to high heat setting, about 4 or 5. Make sure there is no water in it.
2. Get large Tylenol tablet the white kind with NO COATING, NOT gel.
3. Grab pliers or tweezers to hold pill and rub off gunk.
4.  The pill will begin to shrink, use more if needed.
5. Wipe with damp towel excess gunk.
6. Done!  You may have some remaining stain as mine did,
just keep rubbing until it's all gone.
Do not use any other tablet other than Tylenol to do this.
Make sure that it does not contain any
coating.  I've had two readers tell me that they had a toxic smell occur,
so make sure that you use the correct tablet.

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