So it’s after dinner and you forgot to make or buy a sweet dessert for your friends or loved ones, or you just want a late sweet snack, no problem.
A quick and easy way to satisfy the sweet tooth is by having a package of fresh, ready made donuts available, fresh strawberries, whipped cream and it’s optional to have some strawberry glaze…this adds extra flavor and sweetness to this dessert. This is so easy. that your little ones can do it.
Grab your favorite donuts and either cut it in half or leave it as is, then layer the strawberries in the center hole, on top, and sides of donuts. If you have glaze, go ahead and sprinkle glaze over your strawberry donuts. Lastly, cover with whipped cream. For those who really want sweetness…a little side of ice cream wouldn't hurt…oh yeah!
If you do not have donuts on hand, perhaps fried biscuits like the ones made here, and then the above can work too!
I hope that you enjoy!!!